• Helping implementation ISO 13485


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    Bonne lecture...

    The ISO 13485 stan­dard is often cited by medi­cal device com­pa­nies, allo­wing them a finan­cial and mar­ke­ting bene­fit, citing the dif­ferent pro­ce­dures that must be put in place to com­ply with them. Main­ly the large com­pa­nies that have been cer­ti­fied to this ISO 13485 stan­dard. Since this stan­dard, with the imple­men­ta­tion of the new Euro­pean regu­la­tion of 2017, the accre­di­ta­tion sites use the new ver­sion of the ISO 13485 ver­sion 2016, to obtain CE mar­king and the­re­fore the mar­ke­ting of medi­cal devices in the Euro­pean territory.
    Thus, to help com­pa­nies to take owner­ship of this new ver­sion of the ISO 13485 : 2016 stan­dard, new aid could be deve­lo­ped allo­wing sup­port up to certification. 
